Agapé UK is working with churches across the country, supporting church leaders as they inspire, encourage and enable their members to grow in their relationship with Him, and to become multiplying disciples, confident to talk about their faith in Jesus with their family, friends, colleagues and neighbours naturally, and as a way of life.
Based on over 50 years’ experience and with our wide range of tried and tested resources, we are coming alongside church leaders and their members to help grow a Great Commission culture.

Exploring your questions about church and Agapé UK…
Now, as much as ever, we need to make sure that everyone in the UK has the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus. Recent research suggests that of the 3% of the population who already follow Jesus, many are lacking in confidence to share this good news.
We want to work with your church to change that! We want to see every Christian confident to introduce Jesus to the people they spend time with at home, in the community, at work and at university. We want to see the whole church motivated again for the Great Commission. Now is a time both of great opportunity and great need and we want to play our part in seeing Christians ever more passionate about following Jesus and sharing the good news about Him.
Our experienced Church Engagement team are based across the UK and would love to connect with you to discuss how we might add value to your church’s missional and discipleship journey. Through coaching and consultations with church leaders we can support you as you define vision and develop simple, accessible and relevant disciple-making programmes and activities. Our talks, trainings and workshops, and the sharing of resources and courses, provide further momentum.
We recognise that every church has its own unique context. With our extensive range of ministries and resources in the UK and across the world, whether the missional opportunities are in the workplace or at university, in the community, online, or cross-culturally, we can make the connections to serve the local church in these different spheres.
We would love to journey with you. If you would like to find out more, we are keen to hear from you. Please email and one of our team will be in touch.
Plus, read how we launched our Agapé UK Hub, designed so churches and organisations can utilise the space we have. Take a look on the Birmingham Churches website.
We offer a variety of workshops tailor-made for a church’s needs. Workshops can be combined to cover a longer period like a church weekend away. These include topics such as our motivation for witness, Biblical guidelines for the way in which we witness, how to ask good questions and transition into the gospel, the power of your personal faith story and how to share it, creative methods to share your faith in your sphere of influence and, knowing what to include when explaining the gospel. Some toolkit training can be incorporated into these workshops.
One workshop we particularly recommend is The Biscuit Trail exercise. This is a good starting point as it identifies areas of need and facilitates good discussion in how to grow in witness.
Toolkit training
There are some excellent resources that aid sharing and growing in our faith but knowing what would be best for a particular context or how to use them takes research and time. We save church leaders the effort by presenting an overview of various resources or dig deeper into specific tools by guiding leaders through how to use them best. Resources include Living & Telling, The Biscuit Trail and Soularium, and free apps such as GodTools, and Jesus Film Project.
Using scriptures as the framework, our team of engaging, motivational speakers are keen to serve churches by helping church members on a whole-life discipleship journey, how they can grow in their faith and go and make disciples, helping others discover Jesus for themselves.
We can provide guidance for your church in running the Living and Telling 10 session course, Agapé UK’s flagship discipleship resource, in small groups or as a whole church. We also run live two-day events and online courses so individuals from across the UK can join the experience.
Consultation and Coaching
With years of experience in whole life discipleship, the Church Engagement team offer church leaders and their team consultations and coaching on how to forge a way forward to inspire, encourage and enable members in way-of-life witness and discipleship, helping shape the culture of the church.
If you think we might be able to serve you, please get in touch. Email and one of our team will be in contact.
To view or purchase our resources visit Agapé UK’s Resource Centre
There are so many great resources out there and our team have our finger on the pulse of what is working in the church. To view or purchase our resources visit Agapé UK’s Resource Centre
A good place to start exploring way of life witness is The Biscuit Trail. This is an engaging and effective small group exercise. The Biscuit Trail consists of a set of 12 colourful cards that describe the different elements that may be involved in helping someone discover Jesus and how we can engage in each of these activities.
The Biscuit Trail is a good precursor for running Agapé UK’s flagship resource, the Living & Telling course. Churches can lead this easy to follow ‘play and pause’ 10 session video course on their own with the help of a leaders’ guide, as a whole church or as part of existing small groups. The Church Engagement team support churches in this but also lead online courses so individuals from across the UK can join the experience.
Get in touch with us if you would like us to talk you through some other resources by emailing
Living and Telling

Living & Telling is our flagship training resource, designed to encourage and inspire you to help people discover Jesus together. This 10-part, video-led training series is for churches and groups who want to learn together how to get better at discussing faith naturally in conversation and throughout everyday life – and best of all, the videos are FREE to download!
The Biscuit Trail

The Biscuit Trail is an engaging small group exercise designed to help faith conversations come more naturally and easily.
Try out this set of 12 colourful cards that describe the different things involved in helping someone discover Jesus.
Knowing God Personally

A clear, concise way to help people discover the good news of Jesus. This booklet presents the key points of the good news and explains how to begin a personal relationship with God.
Got your own question?
Let us know! We’d love to help point you in the right direction in future content and resources.