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At Home

Agapé UK is strengthening relationships and promoting the importance of community and family life, to enhance the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of everyone in society.

Through our FamilyLife resources and events, we’re supporting people around the country to build flourishing relationships and strong marriages, and discover what it means to have a lasting relationship with Jesus.


Together is our marriage discipleship resource, giving couples the opportunity to really invest in their relationship in a safe group context. Over the past year some groups have been running Together sessions online, enabling people to take part wherever they are in the world!

One couple who recently ran one from Liverpool said:

“Together is a fantastic tool to support and strengthen your marriage. You can learn a lot about yourself and as a couple. It will have a positive impact on your marriage.”


Together is now in 12 languages, the most recent being Farsi. We are especially excited about this as Kia and Negin, who lead our FamilyLife Farsi-speaking ministry in the UK, are now able to see the rollout of Together groups amongst Iranian couples in the UK and beyond. It has been a long process and we are thankful for God’s faithfulness in making this happen.

A Day Together

Spending time as a couple is one of the most significant things you can do for your relationship.

We know it’s easy to let time with each other take second place to the endless list of things that ‘must get done’. This is why we invite you to attend an ‘A Day Together’ seminar… a special time away to listen, laugh and learn more about each other… to talk and reconnect, whatever stage of life we are in. Think of it as a relationship health check.

You will enjoy quality communicators who will present practical relationship tools based on biblical principles, brought alive with personal stories and illustrations. There are personal application exercises and of course plenty of time to talk privately as a couple. It’s a cringe-free day and there are no group exercises, role plays or reporting back about your relationship, so you can relax!

Whether you’re married or not, whether your marriage is solid or you’re struggling, you will leave inspired and equipped to strengthen and grow your relationship with a renewed sense of purpose and hope.

To find out about upcoming events click here.



At FamilyLife we love to provide you with quality resources to help you in your marriage. As well as our tried and tested resources available in the ARC, we have a growing catalogue of practical tools and materials in our Couples Talk Library taken from our monthly lockdown webinar, Couples Talk. You’ll find videos of past events as well as useful takeaway points. We haven’t shied away from the difficult topics and each interview includes personal stories so they’re great to share as evangelism tools as well. 

Find out more about FamilyLife here.