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Volunteer with Agapé UK

You can get involved with Agapé UK without joining our full time staff! There are as many different ways to volunteer with Agapé UK as there are volunteers.

  • Are you a student with a heart for reaching others on your campus? Or perhaps you’ve got specific gifts in ministering to young people and could volunteer with one of our Student Life teams.
  • You may have a heart for families and want to connect with Agapé UK’s FamilyLife team to meet needs you see in your community. 
  • You might want to be a part of bringing hope and tangible help to those facing poverty and crisis, through working with our humanitarian partner, Global Aid Network UK
  • Or you might want to volunteer some time working in an administrative capacity at Agapé UK’s Headquarters.

There are many ways you could volunteer with us. If you are excited about Agapé UK’s vision and would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact us. We would love to talk with you.

Please fill out the form here to request an application pack.