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Discover Jesus

The Conversation

Studies show that learning about a new topic happens most effectively through listening to experts and discussing what we learn with others. The Discover Jesus series seeks to provide an opportunity for everyone to learn more about Jesus through different mediums that range from a podcast series, a quiz and discussions.

Sign up to The Conversation now!

The Discover Jesus series has been designed to address the top 5 questions that students in the UK are asking Jesus (or about Him).

The Conversation is a 5-week series of group discussions. It aims to provide the discussion part of the Discover Jesus series. Each session also includes input from experts, and there’ll be a lot of interaction too.

Join The Conversation at your university (or in an online group) and see if you might discover something more about Jesus.

The top 5 questions that students in the UK asked about (or to) Jesus were as follows:

  1. Who was Jesus and what was He about?
  2. Did Jesus really exist?
  3. What about all the suffering?
  4. Is there an afterlife and does Jesus have a say in this?
  5. What is the purpose of my life?

Each session of The Conversation focusses on one those questions.

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What will a session of The Conversation look like?

Each session will take place on a weekday evening and will start with a meal and/or some snacks (if you’re joining an online group, sadly you’ll need to provide your own snacks!). 

The discussion will last for about an hour to an hour and a half and will start with an ice-breaker to introduce the evening’s theme and to help you get to know each other a little better.

The group will then read a story about Jesus, and there’ll be some questions to help you reflect on the story and provide you with an opportunity to share your response to it with the group. You’ll have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think, too.

Want to join The Conversation?

Fill out the form below to join a The Conversation group at your university. We’ll contact you to let you know the details about when and where the groups are meeting.

If there’s not a group meeting in your city, you can join a group that’ll be meeting online. Or, why not invite some friends to join you and start your own group?