We’re very excited to have more face to face events coming your way. Please keep checking back to see what is coming up and how you can get involved.
FamilyLife’s A Day Together is happening in the autumn at these locations:
Saturday 22nd October in Liverpool.
£20 per couple including a hot lunch. To book your place click here.
Saturday 5th November in Cambridge.
£12 per couple (earlybird rate until 30th September, £15 thereafter) including a hot lunch. To book your place click here.
Saturday 12th November in Hull.
Booking details to follow
Do you want to be part of inspiring people to discover Jesus together?
Our team work in cities across the UK. We have opportunites for you to join us on a full-time, part-time, or volunteer basis, and also offer internships and gap year programmes for recently-graduated students and school leavers. Find out more by clicking below.