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The free Toucan app has been developed through the expertise of our FamilyLife team. They’ve taken their years of experience in strengthening relationships and created a unique digital tool, designed to help you build your relationship.

A great relationship doesn’t happen by accident. We invest time and effort in our jobs, hobbies, health …and even cars! Why not invest time in the most important thing you have? With Toucan, you can:

  • Deepen your connection
  • Build friendship and intimacy
  • Improve your communication
  • Learn each other’s love languages
  • Figure out your conflict resolution style


Toucan Features:

Toucan Tracking

See your relationship health improve and what you can work on.

Relationship Features

A fun way of seeing what you’re putting in and get rewarded.

Couple Time

Space and guidance to really talk and apply what’s relevant.

Real Couples

Stories and insights from real couples, sharing what they struggle with and what helped them.

Video Content

Bite-sized video modules covering different topics: communication, conflict, love…

Interactive Exercises

Helpful and revealing exercises to engage with, helping you understand yourself and your partner better.

What people are saying about Toucan:

“A great app – it really helped to have a framework for discussion with my wife to talk about things that we probably otherwise wouldn’t ever do.” – Adam

“I really love the idea of being able to invest into our marriage anytime and anywhere we want. It adapts perfectly to our lifestyle.” – Debora

“I love the honesty of the couples featured in Toucan. They really prompted good conversations.” – Paul

“Has a great, friendly feel to it. Simple to use but enough techy stuff to keep variety and interest.” – Kirsty

Start building a happier, healthier life together today. Sign up for free at toucantogether.com.