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We would love to work with your church!

Agapé UK is working with churches across the UK, supporting church leaders as they encourage, inspire and enable their members to grow in confidence to talk about their faith in Jesus with their family, friends, colleagues and neighbours naturally, and as a way of life.

Based on our 50 years’ experience of helping people discover Jesus together, along with our wide range of tried and tested resources, we are coming alongside church leaders and their members to help them to make and multiply disciples in this season.


Now, as much as ever, we need to make sure that everyone in the UK has the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus. But recent research* suggests that of the 3% of the population who already follow Jesus, many are lacking in confidence to share this good news.

We want to work with your church to change that! We want to see every Christian renewed in their confidence to introduce Jesus to the people they spend time with at home, at work and at university. We want to see the whole church motivated again for the Great Commission. Now is a time both of great opportunity and great need and we want to play our part in seeing Christians ever more passionate about following Jesus and sharing the good news about Him.

How could we help your church? Our staff are based across the UK and would love to connect with you to find out how we can work with you to develop simple, accessible and relevant disciple-making programmes and activities. And to share with you the resources and courses we have to offer. You can find out more about these by visiting our new Resource Centre arc.agape.org.uk.

If you would like to work with us, we would love to hear from you. Please email connect@agape.org.uk and one of our team will be in touch. 

What are we already doing?

Euston Church

We have had the joy of partnering with Euston Church to serve at their outreach tables and helped with their online evangelism training.
We look forward to partnering more this year to come alongside and help enable them to do what they are already doing; reaching
the students from all over the world that are gathered outside their doors.

Westminster Chapel

We have been connected through Westminster Chapel with a few students from Queen Mary University in London. We challenged them to join us on their campus to do Soularium (one of our resources – a simple and very visual way to start conversations around faith). 

They really enjoyed the experience and joined us on a weekly basis for the rest of the term.

One student was particularly excited about the conversations that came out of Soularium, saying he wanted to show it to all of his friends!

Churches in Birmingham & Scotland

We have a team of volunteers for Global Aid Network (GAiN UK) across the UK who collect aid donations from their local networks for us, and many of them have found their church friends are really keen to get involved with a hands on response to poverty and crisis by donating items.

One of our collectors is a Pastor in  Scotland and he regularly lets his congregation know what we are collecting, and we’ve been up to collect three van loads from him in the last six months! We’ve also hosted packing sessions at local churches in Birmingham, where members of the congregation came to help pack aid and hear more about the work of GAiN UK.

Agapé UK Hub

Plus, read how we launched our Agapé UK Hub designed so churches and organisations can utilise the space we have. Take a look on the Birmingham Churches website


If you are interested in working with us or just want to find out more, we would love to hear from you.

Please email connect@agape.org.uk and one of our team will be in touch.