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Discover Jesus

Discover more about probably the most famous person who ever lived. A person who’s still a positive source of inspiration, hope and joy to people all over the world: Jesus.

What questions do you have about Jesus?

Why not listen to The Podcast and join The Conversation?

We asked over 600 students across the UK what their number one question about Jesus is.

These are the top 5 answers we received…

  1. Who was Jesus and what was He about?
  2. Did Jesus really exist?
  3. What about all the suffering?
  4. Is there an afterlife and does Jesus have a say in this?
  5. What is the purpose of my life?

We’d like to help you on your journey in discovering more about Jesus. That’s why we invite you to listen to The Podcast, read through The Exploration and join The Conversation.

We took the top 5 questions from UK students about Jesus and put them to some of the brightest people in the UK to hear their thoughts and responses.

Listen to The Podcast to discover more!


If we’re really serious about trying to understand who Jesus was, the Bible is a historical source that’s got to be explored.

We’ve put together a Bible reading plan to run alongside the theme for each week of the Discover Jesus series. Join us for The Exploration and find out what the Jesus of the Bible has to say about Himself and our other topics.

The Conversation is all about diving deeper into our 5 questions.

Read a thought-provoking article or Talk to a Christian and explore your own thoughts and questions.

1. Who was Jesus and what was He about?
2. Did Jesus really exist?
3. What about all the suffering?
4. Is there an afterlife and does Jesus have a say in this?
5. What is the purpose of my life?

Click here to find out more about The Conversation.

Do you follow Jesus? We’d like to challenge you to help others discover Him too. Take on The Challenge with your friends, small group or church and join Agapé Students in helping students discover Jesus.


The Challenge is a 5-week series. It consists of weekly challenges to help you grow personally in your faith and in how to talk about it with others, so you can give others the opportunity to discover Jesus too.