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Discover Jesus

The Podcast

We took the top 5 questions from UK students about Jesus and put them to some of the brightest people in the UK to hear their thoughts and responses.

Watch or listen to The Podcast to discover more!

Check out the links to The Podcast on YouTube below, or listen to them on Spotify. You can also see the information about all our upcoming episodes, so you can get yourself excited in anticipation!

There’s also a list of recommended resources connected to each episode to help you dive more deepily into each topic, and there are bios for our podcast hosts and guests at the bottom of the page.

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The Podcast

People throughout history and from all around the world have been intrigued by Jesus and, throughout the ages, have debated their discoveries, opinions and questions about Him.

In this episode, we join the discussion too by asking this question to experts Clare and Max.

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This question was rated number 1 amongst students in the UK. But what evidence actually is there about the existence of Jesus?

We put this question to our experts Max and Ben.

Click here to discover how you can join a The Conversation group in your city or online.


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Unfortunately, suffering has always been part of humanity. How does Jesus make sense of this? Does He care? This question is ranked number 3 amongst students in the UK.

In this episode we hear from our experts Alanzo and Clare.

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We’ve found cures for diseases and we’ve found ways to live longer and easier lives, but science is yet to find a cure for death and what really lies beyond. This topic is ranked number 5 amongst students in the UK.

Ben and Clare are our experts for our conversation about this topic.

Click here to discover how you can join a The Conversation group in your city or online.


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Finding out why we’re here and discovering our purpose helps us make sense of life. Finding our purpose inspires us and help us live our lives to the best of our abilities. This topic came up as the number 4 of most asked questions.

Our experts Rahil and Ben join us to answer this topic.

Click here to discover how you can join a The Conversation group in your city or online.


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Meet the experts

For this podcast series, Agapé Students has been excited to partner with OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics.

The term ‘apologetics’ comes from the Greek word apologia which literally means ‘defence’. OCCA is a centre for thinking and training in the field of Christian Apologetics, the defence of the Christian faith.

OCCA experts carry out research into many different topics with the intention of inspiring confidence in the credibility of the Christian faith and the person of Jesus. They also use their research and knowledge to teach and train others.

Clare Williams

Clare Williams is a speaker and tutor at OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Prior to her work in apologetics, she was an English teacher in London secondary schools for ten years. Clare has a degree in English Language and Literature from Oxford University, and Masters in Leadership (2012) and Culture, Diaspora and Ethnicity (2021) from the University of London.

Her work at OCCA focusses upon questions of race, justice and culture, and what the Christian message has to offer these contested issues.

Max Baker-Hytch

Max is married and has two daughters. For fun, he enjoys composing instrumental music with guitars and keyboards in his home studio.

Max received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Oxford in 2014. Subsequently he held research positions at the University of Oxford and the University of Notre Dame. Separately from his role at OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, he is also a lecturer in Philosophy at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and is a member of the Philosophy Faculty at the University of Oxford. Max has published scholarly articles on various topics within the fields of philosophy of religion and epistemology.

Ben Thomas

Ben qualified as a Doctor in 2003, working full-time in the hospital setting with the exception of one year where he pursued training in Theology and Apologetics at the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and the University of Oxford. In 2016, he obtained a Consultant post in Neurosciences Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, but now works part-time alongside his role at the OCCA.

In his attempts to work out what it looks like to follow Jesus well, he is also a keen runner (Forrest Gump style!), musician and cook and loves spending time with family, friends and God-children.

Ben has particular interests in the intersection of Christian faith and sexuality, gender, medical ethics and psychology. He has spoken numerous times to young people and adults in churches, conferences and mission events across the UK & in Australia.

Ben has also made TV appearances including on an episode of One Born Every Minute.

Alanzo Paul

Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta (Canada), Alanzo (also known as Zo) became a Christian in 2009 after struggling with drug addiction for over ten years. He worked in the Oil & Gas sector before entering into full-time Christian ministry.

Alanzo has a degree in theology (BTh) from the University of Oxford (Wycliffe Hall) and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MA) from the University of Toronto.

Alanzo is a speaker at OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. He is passionate about apologetics, art, discipleship, history, literature, mission, philosophy and theology. His work primarily focusses on christocentrically addressing metaphysical and existential questions like: ‘Does God exist?’, ‘Why does God allow suffering (and evil)’, ‘What is the meaning of life?’, and much more.

Rahil Patel

Rahil is an Adjunct Speaker and tutor at OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. His work evolves around Hinduism (a group of multiple religions) and how the Christian faith can build bridges into that eastern worldview and offer the beauty of the Gospels.   

Prior to his work for the Christian faith, Rahil was a Hindu monk for 20 years with one of the world’s most influential Hindu traditions and was Head of Europe before he had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ. 

Our hosts

Sean Wood

Sean has been working for Agapé UK since 2010. He’s spent most of that time working with students at universities in various cities across the UK and Eastern Europe.

Sean grew up in North East London before moving to Newcastle upon Tyne to study map-making at university. He’s a fourth generation West Ham supporter (so he didn’t have much choice); and he loves travelling, reading classical literature and books about history, and taking walks in the countryside near to where he lives in rural Essex.

Sean Wood

Lauren Graham

Lauren is currently an Intern with Agapé Students in Belfast. She recently graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast where she studied English & Creative Writing.

In her spare time, Lauren loves listening to music and singing. She also has an almost unhealthy obsession with dogs.

Lauren Graham