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Malta Global Project


6-14 April 2024 (Please note: precise dates may be subject to change depending on flight availability.)


£300, inclusive of accommodation, insurance, resources, in-country transport and a special dinner.

You’ll need to book your own flights and cover your own food expenses. (Click here to find out more about how you can invite others to help you raise the funds for your Global Project.)

Application deadline:

9 February 2024 (We’re now closed for new applications.)

What can I expect?

You’ll spend a week in the Mediterranean supporting the local Agapé student movement, working amongst some of the 11,500 students at the University of Malta in Msida. You’ll enjoy one of Europe’s smallest and most historic countries whilst helping students to discover Jesus as they search for more in their lives.

The team will be joining in with a team of passionate, motivated Maltese student leaders who are keen to see their friends and fellow students experience a living and active Jesus. You’ll be going alongside 6-10 students and Agapé Students staff from universities across the country and will receive great training, investment, and have fun along the way, too.


For more information about this project, please contact us at: globalprojects@agape.org.uk.


Click here to fill out an online Application Form.

Click here to fill out an online Reference Form for a project applicant.


Agapé UK is recognised by Global Connections as operating under the Code of Best Practice in Short-Term Mission 2023 and 2024.