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Sierra Leone Global Project


19 June – 5 July 2024 (Please note: precise dates may be subject to change depending on flight availability.)


£2,000 (Click here to find out more about how you can invite others to help you raise the funds for your Global Project.)

Application deadline:

Friday, 8 March 2024 (We’re now closed for new applications.)

What can I expect?

Imagine an adventure in Sierra Leone that could change a city, a country and a continent, all while forever transforming your life; an experience which propels you into a deeper walk with God and gives you greater confidence in talking about the big questions of life with your friends; an experience that develops your leadership skills and begins friendships.


The students of Sierra Leone are very open to learn how they can know God personally. They’re asking big questions about the world and motivated to see change. Now is the time to discover the hope Jesus brings, together with students from another culture. 


Join us as we head to Sierra Leone for two weeks to spend time working alongside local Agapé staff and students to launch a new Christian student movement in a city where there currently is none. We’ll have opportunities to experience a rich new culture, build new friendships and make a real difference in the lives of students!

For more information about this project, please contact us at: globalprojects@agape.org.uk.


Click here to fill out an online Application Form.

Click here to fill out an online Reference Form for a project applicant.


Agapé UK is recognised by Global Connections as operating under the Code of Best Practice in Short-Term Mission 2023 and 2024.