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20 days devotional on change (Days 16-20)

By Larry Platner

Find the fourth week of our 20 daily devotionals all around the subject of change. Read them through Monday to Friday. Enjoy!

Most likely there will be a time or times when Jesus will call on you to make a drastic change in your life. To intentionally choose to do so will require being clear on the purpose, what He is calling you to. This won’t lessen the cost of the change but it will imbue you with the conviction that this change is worth the cost.

When Abraham was seventy-five God led him to make a massive change in life, leaving his home and moving to a foreign land. With this change came the promise from God that he would be a blessing to the nations through his descendants. At the time Abraham and Sarah were childless and Sarah was well past the age of child-bearing. It would take twenty-five years before God fulfilled his promise and Isaac was born.

As you face the everyday realities of change you can focus on the pain, struggles and weariness of change or choose joy. To do so involves recalibrating your heart and rewiring your mindset. You can choose to see your realities through the redemptive lens of God’s grace and kindness and the assurance of his faithfulness to you.

Living a dream that involves significant change or navigating an unexpected change in life is hard on your own. Find companions to share your dreams and challenges with, companions who love God’s word, will pray with you, speak honestly, believe the best in you and who see the world differently and thus able to show a new perspective.

I am sure none of us would like to have gone through the changes that Joseph experienced in his life. Life for him was just fine, the favoured son of his father, a receiver of dreams from God, the owner of a brilliant coat. Then all of sudden everything changed not just once but three times. How did Joseph react to these changes?

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