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Premier Magazine

By Jude Daniel From “strongly worded letter” to mission partnership. 9 months ago, one of our staff started a conversation with Premier* through a strongly worded letter. It addressed an article that dismissed short term missions. Instead of ending the conversation there, we proposed writing an article countering this narrative. Over a series of conversations, […]

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Two friends talking, telling a story

Tell Your Story

Living & Telling Taster Session Have a go at thinking through your own faith journey and learn how to tell your story through this Living & Telling taster session. Watch at agape.org.uk/your-story Your Story People are fascinated by other people’s stories, especially when they are well told. One of the things that draws us in

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God at work in The Arts: God & Mammon in the Creative Industries

God at work: The Arts God and Mammon in the Creative Industries By Chris Donald There’s a constant tension working in the creative industries, a clash of ideologies; but it’s not quite the one that my church tradition often thought. To my mind, it’s the battleground of the “two masters” Jesus mentioned: God and money.

God at work in The Arts: God & Mammon in the Creative Industries Read More »