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20 days devotional on change (Days 6-10)

By Larry Platner Find the second week of our 20 daily devotionals all around the subject of change. Read them through Monday to Friday. Enjoy! Day 6 – Endings promote spiritual formation Change is an opportunity for spiritual formation. Though brutal at times, it reveals our fears, weaknesses and wrong attitudes. Yet without this we wouldn’t acknowledge our need for

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20 days devotional on change (Days 1-5)

By Larry Platner Find the first week of our 20 daily devotionals all around the subject of change. Read them through Monday to Friday. Enjoy! Day 1 – Change is normal If you look back at your life can you think of a year or even a period of several months when you didn’t experience a significant change of some

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Fear in change

By Jack Barraclough Changes in our lives are often accompanied by fear. Change moves our experiences from something we know and are comfortable with to new, unknown things. It highlights to us how uncertain our future is. Usually, the fear that accompanies change is not actually a fear of change, but a fear of the unknown. Change makes us feel

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Zoom or Gather? That is the Question

By Larry Platner Finally I can sit down in a café with a friend, invite family members and friends for dinner, play football with friends, have a picnic with others in the local park and more. Oh yes, 3-D contact, how I’ve missed it. Connecting with others from the comfort of home over the internet is quite attractive. Indeed I

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Reason to hope, permission to grieve

By Emma Parkin Have the last couple of years been tough for you? The likelihood of most people replying ‘Yes’ to this question is high. After a season of lockdowns, uncertainty, job losses, mental health deterioration, physical health struggles and the loss of loved ones, at some point during the last couple of years, you will likely have held onto

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How easy do you find it to trust God?

By Miriam Westfall and Jonny Potts Odds are you have prayed frequently to bring requests before God; material, spiritual, emotional, and relational requests. But how easy do you find it to go to God with a trusting heart? A heart that can be sure that He will listen and He will be gentle and kind because He is our Heavenly

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