All articles and stories
Friendships and faith
By Larry Platner I entered the student café and had a look around for someone who might be interested in answering my spiritual survey. As usual I was nervous and fighting back the dread of being rebuffed and failing. I spotted one student sitting on his own and approached him. After introducing myself and explaining my purpose he agreed to
Faith conversations
By Agapé UK Staff – collated by Jerry Varghese I asked a few of our staff members if they had any stories about connecting with people and talking about their faith with others during 2020-2021 (the season of lockdowns). Here is what they said: Friendship with my neighbour Over the past year, I have developed a friendship with my neighbour, Ron
Discipleship – what is ‘success’?
By Jack Barraclough I want my work to be successful. I want the things I spend time and energy on to have a positive impact on the world. But when we are devoting our time and energy to investing in other people’s lives with good news about Jesus, it is really difficult to measure success. Usually when I measure something
When all is stripped away
By Nicole Barnard I wonder if you’ve ever been brave enough to swing from a trapeze or do a skydive? Personally, I couldn’t think of anything worse; I’m a risk-adverse control-freak, and yet metaphorically speaking I’ve done both in the last ten years. First, I left a secure yet stressful and ultimately demoralising job in academia with a steady income.
By Ross McCall in 2016, adapted by Miriam Westfall in 2021 Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations” is why Agapé exists as a movement. Diane Cowles, Anna McCall, Kimberley Carribine and Miriam Westfall share a powerful story of discipleship and being deeply immersed in one another’s lives. In 2005 Diane and her family moved to Newcastle because they felt God calling them to nurture young staff members in our
Perseverance: when weakness is strength
By Tiffany Atkins ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured
Disconnecting to reconnect
By Greer Jones Take some time out this year to reconnect with God in a fresh way. Use our retreat guide to help you focus on Him, shut out any distractions and spend time just you and God. Bible verses to reflect on, questions to ponder and a song to breathe in. Find it here > Retreat Guide 2021 Why? The
A resolution of hope
By Kathy Horne Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something (Oxford dictionary) This must be the most frequently used word on the first of the year – along with hungover – qualified by “new year’s.” But I wonder, after living through a pandemic, a dramatic US presidential election, and Brexit, do we have any energy left
Soul Distraction
By Larry Platner I’m tired and need a break. What shall it be? A movie? Facebook? Xbox? Maybe catch up on a box set? Sports? Or read a book? Thank goodness for so many choices, otherwise I might get bored… and nobody wants that. We are awash with entertainment right at our fingertips. One press of a tv remote. One
Hospitality – a Middle East custom
By Sue Smith “Wait – what? It can’t be!” The exclamation was in Hebrew, since I was in a class on comparative religious literature in Israel. We were reading Genesis 18. The very first verse is mindblowing in the original language, especially for Jewish people who have been assured over the years that it is impossible for God to appear