
At university

Agapé UK has been active on university campuses across the UK for over 50 years. We want to help you navigate the complexities of student life by building communities where people from all backgrounds can discover more about themselves and explore big questions about life, faith, and God.

Exploring your university questions...

God is at work at your university every day. He’s at work in the lives of the people you live with, study with and walk past. Getting to know people, what they are passionate about and why they believe the things they believe is one way to see how God has already been at work on campus without you even realising.

We are invited to join in with God and be part of the way He shares who He is with those He has created. We have an opportunity to see God at work in our personal life – helping us to live in a beautiful way that paints a picture of what He is like for others to see. Part of this is community. The way Christians celebrate God, love each other and care about issues of justice should be one way you can see God at work where you study.

God is also at work through the conversations we have. Listening to others expresses His love. Sharing honestly why Jesus is important to you is a powerful way to show in what ways He is good news. God is at work on our campuses and He’s calling us to join in!

If you’d like to get connected with what’s happening on or near your campus, follow the links below to our city Instagram pages to follow and message usWe’d love to help you explore opportunities to see God at work where you are!

Please scroll down the page further to find links to our city Instagram pages where you can follow and message us.

It starts at different ages, but sooner or later, we all find ourselves looking at our reflection in the mirror and wondering what life is all about. We have these nagging questions about the meaning of life as we settle down to sleep, find ourselves contemplating our own existence in the shower, or get lost in our thoughts in the car. These deep and important questions are universal, but we so often feel uncomfortable discussing them with others. Hooray for the internet! Here is a place we can have a think about the big questions of life, and ponder how to discuss these ideas with friends, family, and even strangers! Check out ideas we’ve all probably wondered about and hear from others who have also thought long and hard about these things. Whether you have concrete ideas that you want to chew over, or just need some input and inspiration, this is the place for you.

The questions of life are deeply connected with the essence of human identity. Time, space, history, what will happen in the future, the question of God and who we are as human beings are all important things to think about and know how to discuss with others. Thinking these matters through helps us understand our identity more deeply and gives us inspiration to discuss these ideas with the people around us. Dive in! The water’s lovely.

Have you ever wondered what the first disciples would say about their lives looking back? Would they say the promise in John 10:10 that they would have “life in all its fullness” had come true?

It’s hard to imagine they’d do anything but gush in awe about how amazing their lives on earth had turned out to be. Life in all its fullness, of course, is not the same as a charmed life of luck and uninterrupted delight. Their lives were certainly full though – full of challenge, full of passion, full of drama, danger, miracles, wonders and unfathomable joy, and, at the end, for most, a cruel death at the hands of their persecutors. Would Peter, for example, tell you it was worth it all?

Throwing your lot in with God really means letting him take charge. Letting him do whatever He wants, in and through you. Henry Varley challenged his friend D. L. Moody with these words: “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to Him.” The more we surrender our lives to God, the less ordinary they will be, and the fuller He will fill them with his purposes for us and for the world.

GAiN UK Projects

Never talk about religion or politics. This is a common British rule that is often adopted to avoid awkward conflicts or fiery arguments when strong opinions and deeply held beliefs clash. We see people disagreeing badly in the media or in our extended families and we try to avoid making the same mistakes by turning our view of the world into a private matter that should never be discussed.

But without healthy discussion our beliefs can never be challenged, corrected or matured. And if our perspective has something valuable to offer we should share it with others who can benefit from it. Understanding the world we live in, the God who made it, and thinking about what is best for our communities and ourselves shouldn’t be a private pursuit, but a communal one. We should allow our different opinions, beliefs and convictions to challenge and correct each other so that we all have a better chance of believing what is true and choosing what is right.

When strong opinions and deeply held beliefs clash, the path of peace is not avoidance but healthy disagreement in which we are not seeking to win an argument, but seeking to truly understand a new perspective and be changed by it.

Knowing God Personally

Connect with Agapé UK at your university

Imagine an adventure that could change cities, countries and continents around the globe while also forever transforming your life – a summer that propels you into a deeper walk with God, develops your leadership skills, and builds lifelong friendships.

Got your own question?

Let us know! We’d love to help point you in the right direction in our future content and resources.